
cram school 強化訓練學校〔多指為考生提供強化課程的補習學校〕。


We offer english textbooks , day care and bilingual cram school curriculum books , montesorri kid school books and learning supplies , teaching resources and bulletins , posters , stickers , puppets , pocket charts for decorating kindergarten and primary school classrooms 細分其種類有:全美語教材,安親及雙語補習班教材,蒙特梭利幼兒學校教材教具,幼稚園、國小教室布置用品,進口海報貼紙,各式各樣教學插卡帶,故事手玩偶,美語教師資源書等等。

Only a small fraction of parents are happy with japan ' s push for less stressful education , with a large majority believing intense cram schools are better for their children , a survey said 一項調查顯示,只有一小群父母樂見日本推動低壓教育,絕大多數認為,極度填鴨式的補習班對其子女比較好。

Before i moved to tokyo back in 1993 , i had read scads of articles about japan ' s neurotic “ education moms “ and “ cram schools “ for the preschool set 當我1993年重返東京時,我看到了大量有關評論日本“神經質教育”的母親和“填鴨式”學前班的文章。

My strict teaccher from the cram school in my junior high . she was so strict that i couldn ' t ignore this subject 我國中時的英語補習班老師。她是如此一個嚴格的人,以至于我不敢忽視英語這一科目。

For children , it may mean going to cram school less often - and risking falling behind their classmates 對小孩來說,這可能意味著要減少去補習班的次數,而冒著成績落后的風險。

For children , it may mean going to cram school less often ? and risking falling behind their classmates 對孩子們來說,這就意味著少點上補習班而甘冒成績落后于其他同學的風險。

I don ' t think going to cram school is the only way , but you need to try to find a right way to study 我認為補習不是唯一的方法,你要試著找出讀書的正確方法。

After graduation , she was lucky to find a job as an english teacher in a cram school 畢業后,她很幸運地在一家補習班找到工作,擔任英文老師。

Educational institutes , cram schools or enterprises seeking for foreign language teachers 所有尋找外籍語文教師的教學單位補習班或企業。

I ' m going to cram school now 我去補習學校了啊

Mark : oh , that ' s too bad . is it necessary for you to go to cram school 馬克:噢,那太糟了。你有需要去補習嗎?

Not me , cram school starts soon 不了,學習太緊了

I ' m going to cram school now . cram 我去補習學校了啊

M : oh , that ' s too bad . is it necessary for you to go to cram school 馬克:噢,那太糟了。你有需要去補習嗎?

Many students often go to cram schools and they to very hard 很多學生常常去補習班,而且他們必須非常用功。

Jason : forget it . i go to cram school after school every day 杰森:別問了。我每天放學后都去補習。

J : forget it . i go to cram school after school every day 杰森:別問了。我每天放學后都去補習。

My son go to cram school every evening 我的兒子每晚都去上補習班。

They go to school all day and attend cram schools at night 他們白天整天上學,晚上上補習班